All the latest news on Election 2024!

Dear South African abroad,

The 2024 election is just weeks away and we wanted to take this opportunity to update you on latest news.

Firstly, and most urgently, you can still move your voting station to an overseas location using the online  VEC 10 form before 22 April 2024. Please check your current voting station registration here

Be sure to keep an eye on the DA Abroad website for real-time updates.

Hot off the press! We won the court case for more overseas voting stations!  See link. We are pushing the IEC for details on where these additional voting stations will be and we will keep you updated with news as it becomes available.
You don’t need your passport to vote

The IEC has indicated that South Africans voting abroad are no longer required to have both a passport and an ID to vote.
Overseas Election days will be in 17 or 18 May, depending on your country. The IEC will confirm which day for which country after 22 April.
Your country needs you now more than ever, the stakes are simply to high this year to not vote.

In other news, Multi-Party Charter unveils plan to end rolling blackouts and achieve energy security. Read more about this plan here.

We will continue to bring you all the latest news for Election 2024 as and when it happens! As always, please feel free to reach out to us or follow us on Instagram, Facebook or X.

Yours sincerely,

Ludré Stevens
DA Abroad Chairperson 


South Africans overseas - We can’t do this without you!


DA Abroad calls on the IEC to ensure overseas voting days is on non-working days